Our Role as Investors

We identify ourselves with the founders vision and goals. We generate success through experience, market knowledge and active engagement.


Rolling up our sleeves

We are personally involved, intensively and fully committed to the companies in which we invest. We produce the best results by taking active roles in those areas where help is most needed. Our involvement is never in executive roles or in management, but always at operational levels. We help where it hurts the most. Typically, we start by actively helping in the areas of technology, product management, product strategy, product positioning, sales strategy and sales management.

Finding and building the right team

A motivated, focused team is an essential part of the success. We help finding the right people, motivate them and help the team to operate efficiently.

Creating access to customers

We help the companies we invest in to find and access the right customers. We establish contacts, organize meetings, accompany them at meetings and help to present the great products of our investments in the best possible light.

Define products and prices

For rapid growth, it is essential to find the right product scoping and optimal pricing. Our experience and network help to achieve both.

Are you an entrepreneur and interested in growth capital?